How an Increase in the Minimum Wage Impacts You
During his address to Congress in February, President Obama proposed increasing the minimum wage by 24%, from $7.25 an hour to $9.00 an hour. The White House went on to claim that the increase would benefit some 15 million low-income workers. This proposal would bring the minimum wage to $9

The Dow Bounces Back
Almost four years to the day (March 9, 2009) when it reached its low point during the 2007-2009 bear market, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) has regained all of those losses and more. The Dow has wiped out the 54% loss it suffered during the bear market, and shows

The Effect of Low Bond Yields on Portfolio Withdrawal Rates
A recent study titled “Low Bond Yields and Safe Portfolio Withdrawal Rates” provides insight into the likelihood of retirees running out of money in retirement in a low interest rate environment. Co-authored by David Blanchett, Michael Finke, and Wade Pfau and released in January, the study looks at the impact

Monopoly’s Lessons for Life Success
The iconic board game Monopoly has been a fixture in American family rooms for eight decades since Parker Brothers first began selling the game in 1935. The game recently received a great deal of attention in early February when it was announced that fans of the game had voted to

Resolve to Get Your Finances Back in Shape in 2013
You may be among the 46% of adults who said they were considering financial resolutions for 2013 in a recent survey. According to surveys conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute and Fidelity Investments, getting their financial house in order is on the minds of a lot of Americans. Among

Fiscal Cliff Resolved, but Further Challenges Remain
Congress approved legislation in late December to avert billions of dollars in tax increases and spending cuts, helping the United States avoid what many were calling the ‘Fiscal Cliff.’ The resulting legislation is formally known as the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. But other political and financial challenges remain,