Category: Financial Planning


Are You Ready For Tax Armageddon?

“This is going to be Tax Armageddon. It’s time to suit up,” Virginia Democratic Senator Mark Werner recently told Bloomberg News. “The main goal here


Are You Sitting On A Tax Time Bomb?

“What is the difference between a taxidermist and tax collector? The taxidermist only takes your skin.” Mark Twain In our hyper-politicized social climate few sentiments


Where is Your Margaritaville?

Over Labor Day weekend 2023 Jimmy Buffett, one of America’s most beloved and iconic entertainers, passed away at the age of 76. Best known for

Financial Planning

When Banks Fail, What Can You Bank On?

Successful investors can more easily ignore that urge and the noise that comes from day-to-day market movements, knowing that planning for what can happen is a more powerful strategy than trying to anticipate and predict what will happen next.

Financial Planning

What the SECURE 2.0 Act Means for You

Among all the year-end political drama and holiday celebrations you participated in, you may have missed the news that the Setting Every Community Up for

Financial Planning

Financial Planning Moves to Make Now

2022 has proven to be a very challenging year for investors to navigate and the third quarter of the year did not deliver better news.

Financial Planning

Navigating the Road Ahead

Call it the perfect storm of negative financial forces if you would like, but regardless of the description used, the economic and investment market events