Should Investors Sell After a Correction?
Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA), the mutual fund complex we place most of our clients’ assets with, employs quite a variety of professionals on its staff.
Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA), the mutual fund complex we place most of our clients’ assets with, employs quite a variety of professionals on its staff.
Having the knowledge and foresight to understand that it “isn’t different this time,” and that we have experienced these conditions before may help you keep the discipline long enough to “wait until tomorrow” for market conditions to change.
Anticipating market volatility ahead of a potential Federal Government shutdown over the debt ceiling debate and an expected announcement that the Federal Reserve will begin
Almost four years to the day (March 9, 2009) when it reached its low point during the 2007-2009 bear market, the Dow Jones Industrial Average
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